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Landscape Lighting
Lighting Options
Compliment landscapes of all types and sizes.
Accent Lights
Accent lights are an excellent choice for spotlighting, floodlighting, backlighting, up-lighting, and numerous other useful applications.
Step and Brick Lights
Step and Brick lights are ideal for step-lighting, deck-lighting, wall-lighting, and other interesting applications.
Path and Spread Lights
Path and Spread lights are an excellent choice for lighting walkways, ground cover, and garden beds; gently washing the area with a broad blanket of subtle illumination.
In Grade Lights
In-Ground and Well lights are an excellent choice for up-lighting, floodlighting, spotlighting, and more. They may be mounted in-grade to wash walls and light signs, as well as highlighting trees, shrubbery, and statuary, among other applications.
Family Owned
Zero Interest Financing
Experience Installing since 2006
Lifetime Warranty
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